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Safety Advisors: WH&S Management systems review i.e. annual review or enforcement undertaking

A formal WH&S management system or framework can help you manage WH&S obligations. H&S Evolution work to keep WH&S management documents functional and concise, with their emphasis on their effectiveness rather than sheer volume of paperwork. WH&S management can deliver more healthy and safe workplaces under the right circumstances.

Focussing too much on the formal documentation of WH&S and management systems will distract you from addressing the human elements of its implementation – the focus becomes the process of the system itself rather than actually controlling risks.

H&S Evolution consultants have worked extensively in the development, implementation and review of WH&S management systems. These systems once implemented are for clients a high-level framework for process/ workplace.

A permit to work management system for working from heights, confined spaces, accessing hazardous areas etc., properly designed and implemented will provide the employer greater control over high risk activities ensuring that inductions occur, qualifications are in place, licences are current, the activity has been risk assessment or a safe work method statement (SWMS) has been completed.

We have found in our many years of advising that the simplest errors can be made such as having no permit to work management system, allowing contractors to do their own, and contractors taking permits off-site. This type of example does not provide for a safe workplace for all and will be deemed negligent.

H&S Evolution has assisted clients who have entered into an enforcement undertaking due to past mistakes. These clients are agreeing with the enforcement authorities that they will meet a high standard in development and implementation of their management systems and we ensure the enforcement authorities have no cause to investigate further.