"Global Experienced Food Consultants & TGA Advisors"

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm
  Contact : Telephone: 0497 102 850: Email: info@healthandsafetyevolution.com.au

Food Consultants: Label Assessment, Food Safety Programs, HACCP Certification.

HSE Food Consultants are experienced food safety advisors, having worked in state and local government food teams in Australia. With this experience HSE food consultants stand out from all of our competitors and our teams are ready to assist you in each Australian state. Our food consultants have worked to ensure the compliance standard and now no matter whether you are starting your business or operational, HSE can assist your business be ready under the Australian and New Zealand Food Standards Code (ANZFSC).

Click on “Our Clients” to note the range of clients HSE food consultants work with and their testimonials i.e. Kit Kat (Nestle), Lendlease, ACCOR Hotels, Coral Sea Hotels, AusCare & EveryMite..

HSE food consultants can assist with food manufacturing, catering facilities, busy restaurants or Council advising you of your first or next food safety inspection etc. Most Australian states require your food premises to comply with AS 4674 and ANZFSC. Where your private certifier (CDC) or Council planner has requested it, HSE can provide you with the AS 4674 certification report.

HSE food safety consultants can assist you in the development and review of HACCP management plans or required Food Safety Programs (FSPs). HSE consultants will provide you with a food safety report to the legal standard on the basis of our consultants’ inspections with an action plan prioritised according to your client, licensing, ANZ Food Standards Code or HACCP Certification requirements.

HSE works closely with its accredited laboratory partners and can in addition assist you with:

* Labelling legal requirements – requirement on all packaged foods for sale in Australia

* Shelf-life assessments – Legal responsibility resides with the manufacturer, food processor or importer to ensure that the stated shelf-life is fit for human consumption under storage conditions at all times.

* Nutrition Information Panel legal requirements – requirement on all packaged foods for sale in Australia

* Import and export food products – specific food content related legal requirements.

Should it be that you wish a shelf life study commence or have had an improvement notice served (or wish to take steps to avoid) by an inspecting food safety authority, we can assist you with compliance and advice throughout the process. Our food consultants frequently attend court to support our clients by providing expert testimony. Our testimony in the face of Council prosecutions are the difference between remaining licensed to operate and large fines imposed by Council.

Call us to discuss your requirements.